L’ Atelier per
le Persone e le Organizzazioni
le Persone e le Organizzazioni
Il proprio sviluppo è cambiamento e, come tale, è motivato, potenziato, supportato e sostenuto nel tempo per ottenere vantaggi personali duraturi.
Diverconsulting progetta e realizza interventi in sinergia con le imprese per rispondere ad ogni tipo di necessità e bisogno.
Quello che farai con noi è un VIAGGIO, una crescita che parte dai tuoi punti di forza e rispetta le tue possibilità temporali ed economiche.
Realizziamo e implementiamo progetti e interventi con metodologie e strumenti innovativi, misurabili, concreti, focalizzati sull’evidenza dei risultati nell’ottica di contribuire a logiche personali e aziendali di change management e continuous improvement.
Siamo il miglior supporto per Te
Diverconsulting nasce nel 2009.
Un laboratorio mobile, senza confini, in continuo movimento. Partiamo da Napoli per raggiungerti in tutto il mondo.
Ci distinguiamo per:
Le nostre competenze sono maturate grazie ad un’esperienza ultraventennale in tutti i campi di cui ci occupiamo.
L’amore per il nostro lavoro ci porta a formarci continuamente per offrire il miglior servizio possibile alle Persone e alle Organizzazioni.
Un metodo unico ed efficace che rende il nostro supporto strategico, specifico e consistente nel campo della consulenza.
Dicono di noi
Roberta was an excellent coach supporting me to express in the best way my potential day by day. High Integrity, deep technical knowledge, passion to succeed, clear and strong vision are just a little part her strenghts.

Sabino Di Matteo
Site Director, Operations at Novartis 22 settembre 2013
Roberta helped very well my professional growth providing her support through a personal coaching activity. She was really good to identify with my collaboration the areas of soft skills where focusing the attention in order to start a development path. During this path Roberta demonstrated a great competency but even a very good empaty that made all the coaching experience effective and nice at the same time. At the end of this journey I can clearly recognize the benefits of the job done with her, in the daily professional relationship with my colleagues, being more effective in achieving the objectives

Fabio Cacace
Head of Global Capacity Planning Small Molecules 2 marzo 2014
Roberta ha individuato con singolare rapidità e precisione le ragioni delle mie difficoltà; mi ha aiutato, tra le altre cose, nell’autovalutazione, nella corresponsabilità delle relazioni e nell’attenzione sull’uso del mio tempo. Considero preziose le sue affermazioni di sostegno e di aiuto professionale che riaffiorano spesso durante le mie giornate: posso confermare, con soddisfazione, che mi sono entrate in circolo, alcune sono state a “lento rilascio” ma sono persistenti. Roberta è dotata di empatia, dolcezza e fermezza rare: in lei coincidono una preparata ed esperta professionista e una persona autenticamente motivata nell’offrire sensibilità e tempo a servizio dei suoi clienti. La consiglio vivamente per garanzia di risultato.

Tiziana Conte
Creative and project event manager presso LIFE_on Film - 13 novembre 2014
Giuseppe is a very focused manager, very good communicator and particularlyable to effective lyapproach and solve all the very complicated matters regarding human resources management, always maintaining excellent relationships with unions. I really enjoyed working with him, by personal and professional view points, and I’ m very happy to recommend him for under taking next futher steps in his carreer.

Fabio Velotti
Giuseppe is really a top manager. His approach to business is a mix of good behaviour, skills and experiences.
Open to challange and a very very good communicator.
Open to challange and a very very good communicator.

Sabato Benedetti
Giuseppe has a long and deep experience in every aspects of the human resource management. Always available to discuss but very strong in solving the most difficult situations with equilibrium and leadership. His experience can be an important adding value for any company.

Fabio Carusi
Roberta has been critical in bring out my personality. The goals achieved were the result of her careful analysis. With his professionalism and sensitivity has managed to make me aware of my potential. My relationship with the company went as consolidated thanks to her suggestions.Roberta is a professional attentive, witty and above all with a very strong sensitivity capable of entering into the personality of their trust partners.

Agostino Improta
Roberta is excellent professional coach. I’ve been working with her for 2 years with very valuable results on self-awareness and in general on leadership skills. She helps in a very professional way, without giving practical solutions to problems but being very good to activate a mechanism of autogeneration of potential solutions or actions. It is a pleasure working with her.

Carlo Gargiulo
Roberta is full of energy, passionate and creative. She’s always transparent and can always motivates people to do better, also in the critical situations. Roberta can find your own strengths and make you use them to seek your professional success. I have to thank Roberta for the great coaching and the groth I’m having in my professional carrer.

Luca Febbraio
I have had the pleasure of working with Roberta in different contexts, first of all for individual coaching sessions. She is a good coach, with exceptional skills to bring out the very best in her clients. Committed, passionate, creative, energetic and profoundly effective, Roberta not only works with the individual, but with the individual’s context, as she helps improve the environment. Roberta helps an organization grow through her innovative ideas, commitment and passion for the coaching profession, and her tremendous amount of energy that becomes contagious! For all these reasons I would not hesitate to recommend Roberta as a coach.
I had the great chance to have Roberta has coach and I’d reccomend her to everyone. She’s competent, extremely business oriented, fast, effective and able to connect the right relationship with her counter-part. Very professional, I got a concrete business benefit with her support not forgetting the “human piece” connected to the coaching program!

Sara Iorio
Energy, Passion, Result driven, Motivation and problem-solver are the main skills that I have in mind when I think Roberta. Thanks to this ability she is able to manage the critical situations and to suggest the right solution. Roberta is a reliable and a very competent manager: with the high quality and accuracy of his work.

Antonio de Gregorio